BOX 5th
§ Present simple para hablar de rutinas
§ Like + ing, ‘d like para hablar de gustos y preferencias
§ Partículas interrogativas, respuestas cortas, so, before
§ Nombres de los personajes
§ Colegio: school, school subjects,
second language, dictionary, exam, timetable, alpahabet, syllable
§ Puntuación: capital letter, full
§ Preposiciones: at, before, on, in
§ Vocabulario en la story: Diggory Bones, dig rocks, stones,
archaeology, archaeologist, sir, dinosaur, skeleton, ancient, the Rosetta
Stone, program
§ Otras palabras: We all agree that …
, We all want that … , hockey, map, School of Archaeology, classes, Egyptian
§ Repaso:
deportes, actividades, colegio, adjetivos superlativos, asignaturas escolares,
la hora, neck, bone, museum,
§ Horas: time,
o’clock, past, to, midnight
§ Televisión: TV
programmes, cartoon, weather, documentary, comedy, news, quiz, sport, series,
TV channel, episode, music videos, action films, TV screen, cameraman, reporter
§ Adjetivos en forma comparativa y superlativa: interesting, exciting, boring, good, bad,
§ Verbos:
turn on, wait
§ Animación: longest
running, animation, image, frames, cells, hand drawn, per second, clear
plastic, save time, movements, method, special techniques, are made, were made,
are needed, were needed, are called, could, artist, prefer, comic, animated, flipbook, less (drawing), introduction, find
out, sound, 3D
§ Repaso: nombres de personajes, programas de
televisión, sugerencias, golf, días
de la semana, asignaturas escolares, deportes, adjetivos, las horas, Present continuous, Past simple, Present
§ Otras palabras: just
in time, webpage, not my thing, the rest, until, the swings, ring,
wing, wrong, thief, password, treasure,
of course, resting,
distressing, chew, alone,
amazing, the underground, mealtimes, fighting, annoying, a
waste of time,
idioms, approve, alarm clock
§ Trabajos y profesiones: nurse, firefighter, teacher, dentist, driver, skater, writer, singer,
painter, photographer, farmer, tennis player, runner, swimmer, actor, pilot,
police officer, journalist, footballer. Cook, mechanic, sports commentator,
secretary, typist, scientist
§ Partículas interrogativas: where, who, when, what time
§ Dientes:
teeth, brush (her) teeth, toothbrush, hog, milk teeth, permanent, molars,
wisdom teeth, incisors, canines, premolars, chew, tear, flat(ter), swallow,
crown, root, gum, enamel, twice, tusk, lose
§ Higiene bucal:
tooth care, sugary, healthy, diet, rinse, cavity, circular, fluoride, tongue,
vinegar, hard boiled eggs, minerals, acid
§ Otras palabras: burn
down, exhibition, show, good rules, diary, novel, overall, uniform, mask, lie
down, clown, dentistry, between, experiment, then, lastly, next, bubble
§ Repaso: actions, verbs for daily routines, sports,
telling the time, adverbs, am, pm, character names, animals, food
Repaso Unidades 1 – 2
§ La hora,
programas de televisión, asignaturas escolares, rutinas diarias, dibujos
animados, profesiones y trabajos, los dientes, higiene bucal
§ Adjetivos
y adverbios
§ Lenguaje
instrumental para los juegos
§ False friends: history, story, languages, subject,
pass an exam
§ Spelling: piece, receive, interview, review,
believe, friend
§ Direcciones: (on
the) right, left, straight on, (at/on the) corner past, across, along, turn,
outside, at the end of
§ Lugares comunes en una ciudad: police station, theatre, post office, airport, restaurant, museum,
castle, prison
§ Londres:
Scotland Yard, Globe Theatre, William Shakespeare, Trafalgar Square, Penny
Black, Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London,
‘The knowledge’
§ Historia: continent,
Stone Age, cavemen, industrial revolution, capital, republic, empire
§ Ciudades y continentes: New York, Tokyo, Italy, North America, Asia, Europe, Japan, Los
Angeles, Washington DC, Australia, France, Moscow, Cairo, Saint Petersburg
§ Stratford-upon-Avon: Stratford-upon-Avon, Romeo
and Juliet, Macbeth, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, William Shakespeare
§ Descripción de imágenes: in the background, in the foreground, on the left, on the right, at
the top, at the bottom.
§ Expresiones de futuro: tomorrow, tonight, next week,
next month
§ Otras
palabras: be lost, Scotland Yard, black
cab, deer, play, stamps, were sold, were executed, are called, queen, ancient
world, cave, mountains, Mohenjo-Daro, Indus Valley, Amazon Valley, a gusty, blustery day,
fuss, sand dunes, to jump up, were supposed to … , a waste of time, went away,
miners, jogging, llamas, collect, toothache, borrow
§ Repaso: vocabulario de la
ciudad, la hora, preposiciones, trabajos, profesiones, familia, colores, sun,
fun, bus, cat, cut, bag, read, write, farm, ambulance, bookshop, library, school, café, coffee, football, volleyball,
small, tall, kite, office, grandparents, zoo, lions, giraffes, side
§ Elementos naturales: disaster, storm, island, beach, lightning, iceberg, electrical storm,
hurricane, volcano, earthquake, tsunami
§ Volcanes: volcano,
volcanoes, erupt, liquid rock, gas, layer, crust, continental crust, oceanic
crust, plates, plate boundary, seismometer, tectonic, magma, countries, lava,
crater, vent, baking soda
§ Meses del año
§ Otras palabras: catch
fire, striped, tights, feel ill, Titanic, Hindenburg, diary, is called, too
dangerous, new year, Canis Major, Sirius
§ Repaso:
tiempo atmosférico, adjetivos, las horas, actividades diarias, actividades de
ocio, fechas
Repaso Unidades 3 – 4
§ Vocabulario
de la ciudad: direcciones, lugares comunes en una ciudad, ciudades y
continentes, elementos y desastres naturales, volcanes, terremotos y tsunamis
§ Lenguaje
instrumental para los juegos
§ False Friends: place
/ square bookshop / library school / college café / coffee car park jogging
§ Double ‘l’: million,
football, syllable, collect, small,
volleyball, tall, llamas
§ Otras palabras: Manchester,
Manchester United, Liverpool, Lowry Museum, JS Lowry
§ Materiales: brick,
white chocolate, sugar, rubber, fur, paper, bone, wood, stone, grass, leaves,
hair, rock, animal hair, plastic, gold, wool, metal, minerals, manmade
materials, the ground, sand, bear, plastic, basic material, celluloid, nylon,
polyethylene, biodegradable, made of, made from
§ Verbos: cover,
protect, drop, recycle, decompose, throw away, last, reuse, sort, dry, melt
down, should, shouldn’t
§ Otras palabras: inside out, special, factory, precious,
palace, watchdog, diagram, packaging, third, piece of, squash, flow chart,
process, safe, healthy, wage, wood,
honey, jewellery, expensive, earrings, villages, get a good price, basic, clean
water, perfume, tea, sugar cane, yesterday, last night, last Saturday, born,
late for school, boxer, playground, bank robber
§ Repaso: comidas, animales,
adjetivos, ropa, objetos comunes, objetos de la casa, números, países, farmers, schools, hospitals, trainers, cans
of cola, meses, números ordinales, play
basketball, buy chocolate, thousand, Halloween,
Christmas, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, supermarket, cupboard
§ Sentidos: senses,
touch, taste, smell, light, hearing
§ Verbos: feel
like, taste like, smell like, look like, sound like
§ Receta: recipe,
ingredients, flour, salt, pepper, green pepper, knife, fork, spoon, plate,
salami, sausage, onion, topping, yeast, mix, dough, base, pasta, hole, mix.
§ Ilusiones ópticas: brain, optical illusion, study/look more closely/carefully, curtains.
§ Otras
palabras: scissors, in common, poem,
diamond, diamante, halves, parts of speech, a trap, Octavio Ocampo, Salvador
Dalí, Mae West, Human Condition, René Magritte, citizen, suspicious, amphibian,
thief, tease, twice, slice, bends, salamander, zoo keeper, peace, prize, wise,
covering news, I’m reporting, last week
§ Repaso: adjetivos, materiales, comidas y bebidas, el
cuerpo humano, comparativos, ropa, horas,
science club, party, need, Stara, finish, peas, knees, cheese, please, nice, friends,
price, best, rest
Repaso Unidades
5 – 6
§ Vocabulario
de las unidades 5 y 6
§ Lenguaje
instrumental para los juegos
Repaso: deportes UNIDAD 7 NATURAL WORLD
§ Mundo natural: natural
world, nature, rubbish, path, lake, bull, bear, cow, tree, field, forest,
female, male, bat, riverbank, habitat
§ Especies en peligro de extinción: endangered species, stripes, spots, zebra,
protect, collect, critically endangered, rainforest, wing, extinct, butterfly,
national park, poison, in danger
§ Dinosaurios: dinosaur,
asteroid, species, climate, disease, die out, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Quagga,
§ Fósiles: fossils,
fossilised, footprint, track, muscle, organ, soft (parts of the body), knead
§ Otras palabras: is after me, Siberia, Russia, China,
Indonesia, Lehmann, Colombia, Taiwan, pound, rucksack, Queen Hetepheres, outer
space, theory, soundboard, vibrations,
jaw, degree in biology, TV role, Federal agent, a special rod, good relations,
different races, subtitles, cornea, retina, optic nerve, diabetes, cataracts,
bank notes, coin, go to bed early, do exercise, sunglasses, the woods, copy
§ Repaso: materiales, animales
salvajes, campo, ropas, tiempo atmosférico, so
(hot), sun cream, verbos de acciones, adverbios, animales, adjetivos
comparativos, colores, adjetivos, partes del cuerpo, singer,
actress, autumn, glasses, medicine, menu, traffic light, objects and places, play the piano,
dentist, drink water, clean your teeth, swim, skate, poster, flour, clowns
§ Deportes: sports,
golf, athletics, snowboarding, skiing, sledging, handball
§ Estaciones: seasons,
hill, spring, summer, autumn, winter
§ Competiciones:
tournament, event
§ Juegos Olímpicos: Olympic Games, Paralympics, logo,
wreath, olive tree, design, medal, silver, gold, bronze, back, 24-carat gold, %
per cent, dragon, are made, committee
§ Otras palabras: adult,
invent, bat, racket, tandem, race against the clock, must, Nike, stadium, jade,
precious stone, diameter, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere
§ Repaso:
deportes, competiciones deportivas, escuela, números ordinales, verbos de
acción, tiempo atmosférico, materiales, fechas, meses, colores, estaciones,
adjetivos, ropa
Repaso Unidades
7 – 8
§ Vocabulario
de las unidades 7 y 8
§ Lenguaje
instrumental para los juegos.
§ Descripción de imágenes: in the foreground, in the background, in the centre, on the left, on
the right, on the left of, on the right of
§ -gh:
laugh, weigh, enough, although ,cough, through
§ Repaso: descripciones, ropa, actividades,
comida, indicaciones para desplazarse